Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh
Toradh stoc de 71229 companaidhean ann an àm fìor.
Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh

Aithris stoc

Aithris stoc air-loidhne

Eachdraidh luirg stoc

Sanasaich leinn

Dividendasan Stoc

Buannachd bho roinn chompanaidhean

Aithisgean ionmhais

Rangachadh roinn de chompanaidhean. Càite am bu chòir airgead a thasgadh?

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. caiptean margaidh

Tha an tomhas de mhalairt stoc Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. an-diugh agus eachdraidh an t-sluaigh air Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. bho thoiseach malairt ann an FORTH.AT a 'roinn air an t-iomlaid stoc.
Cuir ris na geamannan
Air a chur ris na geamannan

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. calpachadh

An-diugh 'se 51 773 100 Euro a th' ann am malairt margaidh de Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A..

Tha calpachadh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. an-diugh air a mheas mar shuim de luachan stoc Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. buinn a chaidh a thoirt seachad. Bidh an làrach-lìn againn a ’toirt fiosrachadh mu chalpachadh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. airson an-diugh bho stòran fosgailte. Tha fiosrachadh mu chalpachadh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. airson fiosrachadh a-mhàin. Tha caip margaidh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. an-diugh co-ionann ri 51 773 100 dolar na SA.

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. tomhas malairt

An-diugh bha an àireamh malairt de roinnean Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. gu 13 507 Euro.
+715 € (+5.59%)
atharrachadh air tomhas malairt bho an-dè

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. tomhas malairt an-diugh - 13 507 dolar na SA. Tha cairt meud malairt Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. air a thaisbeanadh air an làrach-lìn gach latha. Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. malairt air-loidhne a ’cumail air mòran mhargaidhean stoc, bidh sinn a’ sealltainn na tha de mhalairt Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. a ’malairt gach latha. Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. le $ 0.


Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. clàr cairt margaidh

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. calpachadh air graf a rèir bhliadhnaichean. Thairis air a ’mhìos, tha calpachadh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. air atharrachadh le 0%. Is e Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. atharrachadh calpachais airson na bliadhna 0%. Tha caip margaidh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. a ’dol suas.

Seachdain Mìos 3 mìosan Bliadhna 3 bliadhna

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. eachdraidh calpaidh

Ceann-là Caipteanachadh
Is e calpaachadh (calpachadh margaidh) luach margaidh gach roinn de chompanaidhean a tha air an malairt air an stoc malairt. Tha calpaidhean margaidh co-ionnan ri prìs nan earrannan a tha air am meudachadh leis an àireamh de dh 'earrannan a tha air an cumail.
22/04/2021 51 773 100 €
21/04/2021 51 773 100 €
20/04/2021 51 773 100 €
19/04/2021 51 773 100 €
16/04/2021 51 773 100 €
15/04/2021 51 773 100 €
14/04/2021 51 773 100 €

Volume Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.

Seachdain Mìos 3 mìosan Bliadhna 3 bliadhna

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. dàta eachdraidh toraidh

Ceann-là Volume (24h)
Is e an àireamh malairt de roinnean Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. an suim iomlan de na gnothaichean gu lèir le roinn FORTH.AT a chaidh a cheannach agus a reic rè an latha a chaidh a thaghadh.
22/04/2021 13 507 €
21/04/2021 12 792 €
20/04/2021 25 091 €
19/04/2021 24 470 €
16/04/2021 23 103 €
15/04/2021 52 316 €
14/04/2021 3 624 €

Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. calpachadh ann an dolairean na SA a-nis aig 22/04/2021. Tha calpachadh margaidh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. $ 51 773 100 aig 21/04/2021. 20/04/2021 Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. gu 51 773 100 dolar na SA. Tha calpachadh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. co-ionann ri 51 773 100 Dolairean na SA aig 19/04/2021.

Tha calpachadh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. co-ionann ri 51 773 100 Dolairean na SA aig 16/04/2021. Tha calpachadh margaidh Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. $ 51 773 100 aig 15/04/2021. Tha Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. calpachadh margaidh aig 14/04/2021 co-ionann ri 51 773 100 dolar na SA.

Is e 51 773 100 € prìomh-bhaile Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. an-diugh. Tha atharrachadh mòr air margaid Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. air atharrachadh gu ruige seo 0% an coimeas ri an-dè. B 'e an àireamh malairt de earrannan FORTH.AT de Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. air an latha malairt mu dheireadh gu 13 507 €. Dh'atharraich an àireamh malairt de Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A. gu +5.59% an taca ris an latha malairt roimhe.

Tha cosgais earrainnean Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.

Ionmhas Hellenic Company for Telecommunications and Telematic Applications S.A.