Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh
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Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh

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Rangachadh roinn de chompanaidhean. Càite am bu chòir airgead a thasgadh?

Tha cosgais earrainnean Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF

Tha roinnean Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF an-diugh, prìs stoc BAB an-dràsta, a 'roinn phrìsean Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF.
Cuir ris na geamannan
Air a chur ris na geamannan
BAB = 27.09 US dolair
+0.03 USD (+0.11%)
atharrachadh prìsean stoc bho an-dè

Tha an atharrachadh ann am prìs stoc Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF ann an US dolair a ’tachairt uair san latha. A ’sealltainn a’ phrìs stoc mu dheireadh de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF ann an US dolair. Tha margaidhean crypto an sàs ann an gluasad Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF inin US dolair. Dh ’èirich 1 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF le 0.03 US dolair. Tha Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF ag èirigh càirdeach ann an US dolair bho an-dè. Tha cosgais 1 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF a-nis co-ionann ri 27.09 stoc de US dolair.


Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF luach co-roinnte a 'chompanaidh US dolair

O chionn sia mìosan, dh ’fhaodadh Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF a cheannach airson 0 US dolair. O chionn bliadhna, dh ’fhaodadh Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF a reic airson 26.65 stoc de US dolair. O chionn trì bliadhna, dh ’fhaodadh Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF a reic airson 32.62 US dolair. Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF prìs stoc ann an US dolair goireasach ri fhaicinn air a ’chairt. 1.08% - atharrachadh ann am prìs stoc Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF ann an US dolair gach seachdain. Thairis air a ’bhliadhna, Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF ann an US dolair prìs stoc air atharrachadh le 1.65%.

Seachdain Mìos 3 mìosan Bliadhna 3 bliadhna

Aithris stoc Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF US dolair

BAB Gu US dolair (USD)
1 BAB 27.09 US dolair
5 BAB 135.45 US dolair
10 BAB 270.90 US dolair
25 BAB 677.25 US dolair
50 BAB 1 354.50 US dolair
100 BAB 2 709 US dolair
250 BAB 6 772.50 US dolair
500 BAB 13 545 US dolair

An-diugh 270.90 USD = 10 stoc de BAB. Ma tha 677.25 US dolair, an uairsin ann an Bhreatainn Virgin nan Eilean faodar an reic airson 25 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF. An-diugh, faodar 50 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF a reic airson 1 354.50 US dolair. An-diugh, faodaidh tu 100 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF a thionndadh airson 2 709 US dolair. An-diugh, faodar 6 772.50 US dolair a reic airson 250 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF. An-diugh 500 stoc de BAB = 13 545 USD.

Eachdraidh prìsean stoc BAB

Ceann-là Rate Atharrachadh
03/05/2023 27.09 USD 0.03 ↑
02/05/2023 27.06 USD 0.41 ↑
01/05/2023 26.65 USD -0.38 ↓
28/04/2023 27.03 USD 0.23 ↑
27/04/2023 26.8 USD -

3 Cèitean 2023, 1 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF cosgaisean 27.09 US dolair. 2 Cèitean 2023, 1 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF cosgaisean 27.06 US dolair. 1 Cèitean 2023, 1 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF cosgaisean 26.65 US dolair. 28 A’ Ghiblean 2023, 1 stoc de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF = 27.03 US dolair. Bha an ìre as ìsle BAB / USD ann an air 01/05/2023.

Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF

Tha aon roinn de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF an-diugh na sheasamh aig 27.09 $. Tha prìs nan earrannan BAB air atharrachadh gu +0.11% no +0.03 USD bhon latha malairt mu dheireadh. Faodaidh tu 100 earrann de Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF a cheannach airson 2 709 US dolair no reic 50 earrann de BAB airson 1 354.50 US dolair.

The investment seeks to track the investment results (before fees and expenses) of the ICE BofAML US Taxable Municipal Securities Plus Index (the "underlying index"). The fund generally will invest at least 80% of its total assets in taxable municipal securities that comprise the underlying index. The underlying index is designed to track the performance of U.S. dollar-denominated taxable municipal debt publicly issued by U.S. states and territories, and their political subdivisions, in the U.S. market.

Tha cosgais earrainnean Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF

Ionmhas Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond ETF

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