Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh
Toradh stoc de 71229 companaidhean ann an àm fìor.
Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh

Aithris stoc

Aithris stoc air-loidhne

Eachdraidh luirg stoc

Sanasaich leinn

Dividendasan Stoc

Buannachd bho roinn chompanaidhean

Aithisgean ionmhais

Rangachadh roinn de chompanaidhean. Càite am bu chòir airgead a thasgadh?

Tha cosgais earrainnean Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services

Tha roinnean Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services an-diugh, prìs stoc INLOT.AT an-dràsta, a 'roinn phrìsean Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services.
Cuir ris na geamannan
Air a chur ris na geamannan
INLOT.AT = 0.60 Euro
-0.015 EUR (-2.5%)
atharrachadh prìsean stoc bho an-dè

Tionndadh Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ann an Euro aig an ìre chuibheasach gnàthach. Tha luach cuibheasach gach latha air prìs stoc cuòt stoc. Fiosrachadh ùrachadh air ìre cuòt stoc. Tha Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services a ’dol sìos. Tha Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services a ’cosg an-diugh 0.60 stoc de Euro. Chaidh an ìre Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services sìos an aghaidh Euro le -244 ceudamh puing sa cheud.


Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services luach co-roinnte a 'chompanaidh Euro

O chionn seachdain, dh ’fhaodadh Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services a reic airson 0.63 Euro. O chionn sia mìosan, dh ’fhaodadh Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services a reic airson 0 Euro. O chionn bliadhna, faodar Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services a bhith air an iomlaid airson 0.62 stoc de Euro. Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services prìs stoc ann an Euro goireasach ri fhaicinn air a ’chairt. Thairis air a ’mhìos, Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ann an Euro prìs stoc air atharrachadh le 0%. -3.23% gach bliadhna - an atharrachadh ann am prìs stoc Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services.

Seachdain Mìos 3 mìosan Bliadhna 3 bliadhna

Aithris stoc Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services Euro

1 INLOT.AT 0.60 Euro
5 INLOT.AT 3 Euro
10 INLOT.AT 6 Euro
25 INLOT.AT 15 Euro
50 INLOT.AT 30 Euro
100 INLOT.AT 60 Euro
250 INLOT.AT 150 Euro
500 INLOT.AT 300 Euro

Faodaidh tu 6 Euro a cheannach airson 10 stoc de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services. An-diugh, faodar 25 stoc de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services a iomlaid airson 15 Euro. An-diugh, faodar 30 Euro a cheannach airson 50 stoc de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services. Faodaidh tu iomlaid 60 Euro airson 100 stoc de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services. Faodaidh tu iomlaid 250 stoc de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services airson 150 Euro. An-diugh, faodar 300 Euro iomlaid airson 500 stoc de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services.

Eachdraidh prìsean stoc INLOT.AT

Ceann-là Rate Atharrachadh
04/05/2023 0.6 EUR -
03/05/2023 0.6 EUR -0.015 ↓
02/05/2023 0.62 EUR -0.005 ↓
28/04/2023 0.62 EUR -0.005 ↓
27/04/2023 0.63 EUR -

An-diugh aig 4 Cèitean 2023, tha 1 stoc de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services a ’cosg 0.6 Euro. Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ann an Euro air 3 Cèitean 2023 - 0.6 Euro. Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ann an Euro air 2 Cèitean 2023 - 0.62 Euro. Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ann an Euro air 28 A’ Ghiblean 2023 - 0.62 Euro. 27 A’ Ghiblean 2023, 1 stoc de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services cosgaisean 0.63 Euro.

Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services

Tha aon roinn de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services an-diugh na sheasamh aig 0.60 €. Tha prìs nan earrannan INLOT.AT air atharrachadh gu -2.5% no -0.015 EUR bhon latha malairt mu dheireadh. Faodaidh tu 100 earrann de Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services a cheannach airson 60 Euro no reic 50 earrann de INLOT.AT airson 30 Euro.

Tha cosgais earrainnean Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services

Ionmhas Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services

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