Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh
Toradh stoc de 71229 companaidhean ann an àm fìor.
Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh

Aithris stoc

Aithris stoc air-loidhne

Eachdraidh luirg stoc

Sanasaich leinn

Dividendasan Stoc

Buannachd bho roinn chompanaidhean

Aithisgean ionmhais

Rangachadh roinn de chompanaidhean. Càite am bu chòir airgead a thasgadh?

Eachdraidh prìsean stoc Cordoba Minerals Corp., Prior to Reverse Merger with HPX Colombia Ventures Ltd.

Prìs stocCordoba Minerals Corp., Prior to Reverse Merger with HPX Colombia Ventures Ltd. ann an Euro cairt bho thòisich malairtS an Iar- Cordoba Minerals Corp., Prior to Reverse Merger with HPX Colombia Ventures Ltd. eachdraidh luach ann an Euro bho sin 2016S an Iar-
Cuir ris na geamannan
Air a chur ris na geamannan

Cordoba Minerals Corp., Prior to Reverse Merger with HPX Colombia Ventures Ltd. stoc iomlaid ann an Euro eachdraidh prìsean, cairt bho thòisich malairt

Dh'atharraich cosgais earrainnean Cordoba Minerals Corp., Prior to Reverse Merger with HPX Colombia Ventures Ltd. gu +11.48% airson na seachdain. Thairis air a 'mhìos a dh'fhalbh, dh'atharraich prìs co-roinn Cordoba Minerals Corp., Prior to Reverse Merger with HPX Colombia Ventures Ltd. gu -42.857%. B' e an atharrachadh anns a 'phrìs co-roinnte 7C6.MU airson a' cheathramh mu dheireadh -43.333%. Airson na bliadhna agus airson 3 bliadhna, chaidh prìsean co-roinn Cordoba Minerals Corp., Prior to Reverse Merger with HPX Colombia Ventures Ltd. atharrachadh gu -56.129% agus -84.186%, fa leth.


Cordoba Minerals Corp., Prior to Reverse Merger with HPX Colombia Ventures Ltd. Euro eachdraidh luach

Ceann-là Rate
2021 Bho 0.0305 Gu 0.06 EUR
2020 Bho 0.044 Gu 0.078 EUR
2019 Bho 0.043 Gu 0.086 EUR
2018 Bho 0 Gu 0.3 EUR
2017 Bho 0.29 Gu 1.08 EUR
2016 Bho 0.41 Gu 0.66 EUR

Tha cosgais earrainnean Cordoba Minerals Corp., Prior to Reverse Merger with HPX Colombia Ventures Ltd.