Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh
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Margaidh stoc, iomlaid stoc an-diugh

Aithris stoc

Aithris stoc air-loidhne

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Rangachadh roinn de chompanaidhean. Càite am bu chòir airgead a thasgadh?

Tha cosgais earrainnean The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust

Tha roinnean The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust an-diugh, prìs stoc GLU an-dràsta, a 'roinn phrìsean The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust.
Cuir ris na geamannan
Air a chur ris na geamannan
GLU = 14.21 US dolair
-0.09 USD (-0.633%)
atharrachadh prìsean stoc bho an-dè

Prìs cuibheasach stoc. A ’sealltainn a’ phrìs stoc mu dheireadh de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust ann an US dolair. Prìs stoc bho stòran dearbhte. Tha 1 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust a-nis 14.21 stoc de US dolair. Tha 1 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust air fàs nas saoire le 0.09 US dolair. Chaidh an ìre The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust sìos an aghaidh US dolair le -63 ceudamh puing sa cheud.


The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust luach co-roinnte a 'chompanaidh US dolair

O chionn mìos, dh ’fhaodadh The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust a cheannach airson 0 US dolair. O chionn trì mìosan, faodar The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust a bhith air an iomlaid airson 0 US dolair. O chionn trì bliadhna, faodar The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust a bhith air an iomlaid airson 20.10 US dolair. An seo chithear cairt de phrìs stoc airson diofar amannan. -2.94% - atharrachadh ann am prìs stoc The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust ann an US dolair gach seachdain. 0% gach mìos - an atharrachadh ann am prìs stoc The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust.

Seachdain Mìos 3 mìosan Bliadhna 3 bliadhna

Aithris stoc The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust US dolair

GLU Gu US dolair (USD)
1 GLU 14.21 US dolair
5 GLU 71.05 US dolair
10 GLU 142.10 US dolair
25 GLU 355.25 US dolair
50 GLU 710.50 US dolair
100 GLU 1 421 US dolair
250 GLU 3 552.50 US dolair
500 GLU 7 105 US dolair

Ma tha 10 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust, an uairsin ann an Bhreatainn Virgin nan Eilean faodar an reic airson 142.10 US dolair. Tionndadh luachan stoc an-diugh airson 25 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust a ’toirt 355.25 US dolair. Ma tha 50 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust, an uairsin ann an Bhreatainn Virgin nan Eilean faodaidh tu 710.50 US dolair. Faodaidh tu 1 421 US dolair a reic airson 100 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust. An-diugh, faodar 3 552.50 US dolair iomlaid airson 250 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust. An-diugh, faodar 7 105 US dolair a cheannach airson 500 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust.

Eachdraidh prìsean stoc GLU

Ceann-là Rate Atharrachadh
03/05/2023 14.21 USD -0.09 ↓
02/05/2023 14.3 USD -0.36 ↓
01/05/2023 14.66 USD -0.03 ↓
28/04/2023 14.69 USD 0.05 ↑
27/04/2023 14.64 USD -

An-diugh aig 3 Cèitean 2023, tha 1 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust a ’cosg 14.21 US dolair. 2 Cèitean 2023, 1 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust cosgaisean 14.3 US dolair. 1 Cèitean 2023, 1 stoc de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust cosgaisean 14.66 US dolair. Bha a ’phrìs as àirde The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust ann an US dolair ann an air 28/04/2023. The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust ann an US dolair air 27 A’ Ghiblean 2023 - 14.64 US dolair.

The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust

Tha aon roinn de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust an-diugh na sheasamh aig 14.21 $. Tha prìs nan earrannan GLU air atharrachadh gu -0.633% no -0.09 USD bhon latha malairt mu dheireadh. Faodaidh tu 100 earrann de The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust a cheannach airson 1 421 US dolair no reic 50 earrann de GLU airson 710.50 US dolair.

Tha Gabelli Global Utility agus Teachd-a-steach Teachd-a-steach na chompanaidh tasgaidh riaghlaidh aig deireadh dùinte neo-mheasgaichte. Is e amas na Maoin ìre cunbhalach de thilleadh iomlan às-chìs a shireadh.

Tha cosgais earrainnean The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust

Ionmhas The Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust

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